Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He might have a future in the Circus.

The kids were outside playing yesterday when I went out to get something from the car. It hadn't been but 20 minutes since we had gotten home from school and the adults in the house had changed reigns. I was off to meet up with some friends and then I came across.....THIS. I would have given anything to see the reaction on my face, but I about doubled over on the floor when I saw that Michael found the opportunity to get into his sister's play makeup set, and....well he took it. At first I thought that perhaps she did it TO him, but when I asked her she replied with, "Nope, this one was ALL him." :)
And another one for the detail. He has a creative little mind, no?

Kid Quotes of the day:
Numero Uno:

Lindsay: You're not allowed to leave my care.
Me: I'm not allowed to what?
Lindsay: You're not allowed to leave. I'm not gonna go to California and you're not gonna go (back to) school and we'll stay on Guam and you'll be my nanny FOREVER.
Me: Forever's an awful long time Lew..
Lindsay: Even when you're a GRANDMA. :)

And two....

Lindsay (again): My hair gets knotty when it's in a ponytail at night.
Me: Only if you don't wash it & brush it out before you put it in the ponytail.
Lindsay: Yeah, then it just gets CURLY. Mommy's sneaky; she does that on purpose to make my hair curly. :)

(She hates her curly hair...but we think it's beautiful!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Nanny Diaries?

If you know me via Blogger, you most likely know that I've been blogging for several years now and my adventures in life recently landed me on a plane to arrive on the lovely little island of Guam to work as a live in nanny for my cousin and her family. I've been here for almost two years now (okay, so it's not so recent, but time never really feels like it's moving in Guam!), and I couldn't be happier. I've met some of the most incredible people I've ever known and learned a whole heck of a lot about community.

I plan to use this site to keep in contact with friends and family who are interested in the daily lives of our family and to have some sort of an internet connection to "see" how the kids are growing and what they're doing on a day to day basis. But I also want to document the journey of life with these awesome little guys so I'll have something sweet to look back on when I leave them next year. So let me introduce you, mmmkay??

Connor, age 7
Connor grabs ranks as the oldest of the Robertson clan. He's in second grade this year, and has a silly sense of humor and a great personality to boot. His mind amazes me. He's incredibly smart, especially in dealing with numbers. He loves lego models, and what would take me six months to piece together he can complete in a week. His dressers are filled with all of the models he's built in the past. He loves learning about science and the way things work and is our little rule keeper. When it comes to playing games of any kind, he's always the first to step to the plate and explain the rules. :)

Lindsay, age 6
Lindsay is the only girl in the family and falls smack in the middle of two very rambunctious boys. She is ALL girl too. For such a young one, she sure does have a sense of fashion and takes great pride in the way she looks. She has beautiful curly hair which she makes me straighten for all important occasions (school performances, church, etc.). And she recently locked herself in the bathroom and put makeup ALL over her face. She refused to come out for over an hour. Lindsay is in Kindergarten this year. She is very smart and is currently learning to read. She'll pour over books and read them over and over until they make sense to her. She's very logical and is a great communicator. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up and told us in December that all she wanted for Christmas was a sister. :)

Michael, age 4

Michael is our wild little man. And by looking at those curls and baby blues, it's a wonder why, huh? He's a huge hit with the locals here who aren't accustomed to seeing beautiful blue eyes OR blonde curly hair. To say the least, he's adored by everyone we come across out in public. They just smile and stare at him. :) Michael is the littlest Robertson and he just started Pre-K this year which has been great for his development. He's doing good in school and has especially become a hit with the ladies. He has a "girlfriend" at school already who's name is Kara. She is ALSO a curly blond haired, blue eyed cutie. They are nothing but trouble together. :) Michael loves to chase geckos and collect coconuts, which are the two things I think he will remember most about Guam. He's in school only half day, so he's the one I spend the most time with. We have lots of morning dates to bookstores and pet stores and the beach. We're working on learning letters and numbers better right now!